Истории клиентов
До того как “Франк Майслер” превратился в люксовый бренд, это было имя широко известного скульптора Франка Майслера, создающего уникальные и необычные скульптуры. История его жизни удивительна — от маленького ребенка, выжившего в Холокосте, до почетного гостя за королевским столом принца Чарльза.
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…On a personal note, I admire how you’ve lived your life as a daughter of a survivor and also a child of a well-known personality and artist. You have respected your father’s legacy and mother’s influence while also striking out on your own. The best of both worlds. Mazal Tov!
While my background is somewhat different, I shared many similar challenges growing up. That is why I recognize the individual, the Marit behind the burden of history.
My father was born in Odessa in 1917. He emigrated to Canada, to Vancouver, with his family in 1928 when he was eleven years old because of anti-Semitic pogroms. He and his brother were almost killed on two separate occasions by Ukrainian Cossacks. The same for my grandfather, after whom I am named.
My mother was born in Pinsk, then in eastern Poland, now in Belarus. They also experienced anti-Semitism and were finally allowed to move to Canada [Edmonton] in the 1920s.
My father went on to become a successful businessman and community leader. My siblings and I grew up under the glare of public scrutiny. I also felt the burden of being Jewish, especially after the pogroms and the Shoah. I eventually left home to strike out on my own, much as you did. I studied and worked in Yerushalayim, New York, Toronto, Philadelphia and Boston for more than twenty years before returning to Vancouver. I was married then with children and wanted our extended family to know one another.
More to share but that is it in a concise manner.
May you continue to thrive in good health and artistic success along with your extended family.
The two main mezuzot on our house for the past fifteen years have been a Toledo and a Gefen mezuzah designed by your father. We now look forward to having a heritage home adorned with quality Meisler mezuzot from top to bottom. I ordered a couple extra for gifts.
All the very best for Hanukkah,
Yosef Wosk , Canada.
Hi Marit,
I really like your new website. Never as good as coming to your fantastic gallery in Jaffa but unfortunately due to Covid-19 that is not going to be for a while.
Stay well and good luck to everyone.
Kindest regards, Ian
Piermont, New York, U.S.A.
Dear Marit,
Glad to see that the Meisler Gallery will have continuity continuing your father’s legacy with updated ideas moving forward. My wife and I have been at your Gallery and are the proud owners of multiple pieces of art, total 3, all proudly present in our dining and living room. Hanita Tovi has been most helpful and we consider her a very special person, having made it possible for us over many years to continue an ongoing relationship with the gallery. Your father send a very personal note to my wife Deanne, together with the Noah’s Ark acquisition…
We wish you the best of success in your endeavor, with the hope of keeping your father’s name and the gallery on a high Plato.
Kind regards, Denny Herzberg

Shalom Marit!
You did a superb job on the new website! It navigates easily and the products are displayed well to be able to see the details with your descriptions added for “translations” on various pieces too!
I am one of those while living in Israel was able to enjoy your Dad and his work and his shop! I have purchased a few of his gorgeous pieces as gifts…….and have one of his mezuzah’s on my door! Hopefully, can invest in more in the future too.
Hope to one day be able to return to live again where my heart remains~
Blessings always,

Hello again Marit!
My wife and I have wanted a dog sculpture since we visited Israel some 40 years ago. We have a new name (and gender) for him. It is “Jaffa”, and he is our 50th Golden Wedding anniversary present to each other.
Many thanks, and kind regards, from Martin and Jenny Barnes
Hello Marit!!!
So delighted to welcome you as a friend in the playground of Life and share stories starting in 1986 when visiting Israel with my Daddy, we met your Dad, (maybe even you) and with a limited newlywed’s pocketbook, splurged on the Shalom Mezuza, signed by your Dad and mounted on marble. I remember my husband asking me “what will we do with this magnificent Mezuza…living from paycheck to paycheck in a small apartment in NYC”? As I gently held the symbolic statue in the store in Jaffa I said….one day, we will build beautiful homes and this Mezuzah will adorn the front door of each of them and we will remember how rich we were and always will be…even without a penny to rub together! Fast forward to today, your Dad’s playful spirit is captured from home to home in our collection that includes 15 items. Our Dad’s stories, values, love of life and family all live on in us…what a wonderful legacy to leave, seeds that keep on growing!!! I am hopeful this story bring you as many smiles as I have sharing it with you!
Best regards, Shelley & Maurice.
Dear Marit,
Is Frank your dad? We met him once on our visit to Israel and he was so charming & welcoming. We purchased several beautiful pieces that grace our lives. Thank you to him, through you.
Chuck and Amy Spielman
Hi Marit,
What a wonderful surprise and privilege it is to hear from you.
I loved Frank and his extraordinary zest for life and am delighted to communicate with you always.
You may recall that I was the Australian distributor for the fabulous range of pine animals made by Meisler studio ion the 1970’s and 80’s and whenever I was in Israel I stayed in the apartment on the roof of your wonderful home in Jaffa.
My memories of those historic and extraordinary times will stay with me forever.
I remember on my last visit to Israel visiting our Israeli Distributor, some years ago I walked from our hotel to The Meisler Studio and caught up with Frank, it was a delightful and fulfilling experience.
I will never forget our friendship our great commercial relationship and those wonderful times in Israel. On that last trip to Israel I purchased a fabulous metal frog sculpture in memory of the frog paper clips we sold so well for many years and it sits proudly on the desk in my office as a tribute to those wonderful times.
Looking very much forward to catching up again sometime and renewing our friendship, hope you remember me, love and best wishes, Max
Calgary, Canada
Dear Marit,
Sonia & I have known your father for almost 50 years!!!
I first went to his gallery in Yafo in the summer of 1968, when he was still working with wood.
Sonia & I first met him in the summer of 1971, by which time he was working with both wood and metal. Over the years, we have purchased many Frank Meisler works of art.
We have been guests for inner in your parents’ home and, after the separated, have met your father for lunch or dinner when we were visiting in Israel. The last time we saw Frank was in July 2017…
We wish you much success in continuing Frank’s legacy and will look you up when we are next in Israel.
David & Sonia Bickman
Foxboro, MA, USA
Dear Marit,
My Parents visited Israel in the early eighties and came across your Father’s Gallery. Immediately there were transfixed with the beauty and artistry of your Dad’s work. They returned from Israel with his Wall hanging moveable Camels and bought 4 Safer Torahs for each of the Grandchildren’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration. They also had a couple of the Klezmer sculptures as well. My Wife, whose name is also Jeri, was asked to teach in Israel for 40 days back in 2003 or 2004. We had never been to Israel and of course we were captivated by the Country and the people.
While walking down the street from our Hotel in Tel Aviv we passed your Dad’s Gallery and made it a point to go back there when it was open. We had a wonderful experience with his Woman Manager (Malka) and she remembered my Parents. Your Dad was in Israel and we set up a meeting to have Tea at the Gallery a few days later. I am attaching a few pictures from that wonderful day and it is a day we will never forget. Your Father was gracious, kind and an amazing human being. His zeal for life was only eclipsed by his infectious smile.
We left the Gallery with Shabbat Candlesticks as well as the Menorah conversion. We were absolutely in love with Noah’s Ark but it was not in our budget. At some point in time, I found Noah’s Ark for sale on Craigslist and the owner had fallen on some hard times financially. She sold it to me for only $2,500.00 and it was like new. As time went by, I was able to purchase a few more pieces on Ebay for some great prices. We now own about 6 original Meislers as well as 4 original wooden designs.
When my Mother was failing she asked me what art of hers I wanted. I told her that the Camels would be amazing to have in my home and she agreed that I would inherit them on her passing. When she ultimately passed, my Brother … gave the Camels to his Son or Daughter and I was told too bad. Here is where the story gets interesting. After receiving the news, I saw on Ebay the Camels, and I spoke to the owner in Brooklyn. For some reason he took a liking to me and was obviously Jewish. This man sold me the Camels for $2000.00 and they arrived in pristine condition. The number I believe is 187 out of about 225 pieces produced. What are the odds of me getting my beloved Camels from a Stranger when there were less than 250 produced?
To me, that was amazing and I cannot help but think that this was more than a coincidence. Today, they proudly hang on our wall and that and the Ark are our most favored pieces of art. The picture of the Ark that I sent was taken at the Gallery. We are moving to Florida and would love to purchase one of your Mezuzah for our new home. Please let me know how you wish to handle this?
In closing, while not religious your Father and his life’s story was moving and inspirational. I am so sad that he passed but know he made a real difference in this world. Hope you are safe in Israel and some day we will return. Enjoy the photos and I will send a few of Dad’s work in our home.
Jerry & Jeri Cibley
My dear Marit:
Thank you for your kind words. Hanita had been so helpful with my purchase of King David who proudly displays his presence in my private chapel where I say daily Mass. My first encounter with your Dad was back in Puerto Rico when I saw the King David piece. Having searched for years to procure it, somehow your store in Jaffa appeared on my computer. I love your Father’s work; he was truly inspired. Having visited Israel numerous times over the years the privilege was given me to say Holy Mass at all of our Catholic/Christian sacred places. The old city Jerusalem has to be the highlight of my global travels: the sights, sounds and smells take my right back into the Bible. After King David, Ephraim the goat and the Jerusalem Sphere are my favorite pieces. Hopefully in the not too distant future the Jerusalem Sphere will make its way to my home. Presently retired, I have been a Catholic Priest for 47 years. I still serve God’s people with weddings and Baptisms, but everything is postponed during the pandemic. Anyway Marit, I once again thank you for conveying my message to Hanita, and will now include you in my prayers. God bless you and thank you for continuing to make your Dad’s work available to a world woefully in need of beauty and inspiration.
Blessings, Father Rumain