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We inhabit the world with the animal kingdom, they are our cousins with whom we share the pain and pleasure of the planet we live on. Ferocious, pathetic, playful and pretentious, we also share their characteristics. In our animal sculptures we seek to capture this common ground. Like all living things our animals have moving parts, textures and shades that await to be explored.

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The lighting of Shabbat and Hanukah candles are the loveliest of all Jewish ceremonies. The light they spread make those moments festive as well as spiritual. Some of our candleholders can be transformed into menorahs with a suitable insert.

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We design Special Commissions made to order as Presentation Gifts to companies or institutions who like giving the best to their valued customers, generous donors or winners of competitions. Sculptures have been presented as gifts to celebrities, dignitaries and heads of states around the world as you can see in our ABOUT page.

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It is impossible to be indifferent to Jerusalem: it inspires, it infuriates, and as the 137th psalm warns, one forgets it at one’s own peril. The diverse buildings of the city have a powerful unity imposed by the stones from which they are constructed; the city was erected by conquerors, destroyed and built again by other conquerors. The three great religions are centered here, they co-exist but when they quarrel the world shakes. This fusion of time, style and conflict is that which inspired...

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Large sculptures keep us busy but we allow time for making beauty in miniature - objects of art to wear. When we see our jewelry displayed on the body of its owner as a statement of his choice, we feel the pleasure of a silent bond, a little secret shared with a stranger.

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Jewish artifacts are objects used in Jewish religious practice in homes and synagogues, designed for rituals which evolved over thousands of years. To reinterpret these objects now, bring out their visual potential and research their origins, gives a sense of direct contact with craftsmen who through generations did their part in creating the symbols of Jewish survival.

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Jewish Figures

Jewish Figures are the archetypes of our personal legends. They were the characters in the stories we heard as children; the figures that never left us but grew into the secret voices that advise us and ultimately become our judges. They can be either serious or whimsical, rooted in a biblical story, a shtetl or a Chassidic wedding celebration.

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Judaica ALL

The Frank Meisler Judaica line re-interprets Jewish Artifacts through research of their origins as symbols of Jewish tradition. Our Judaica and Jewish figurines are characterized by movement and revelations. They are rich in their designs and cultural heritage.

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Kindertransport is the name given to the rescue mission that began nine months prior to the outbreak of World War II. The United Kingdom took in nearly 10,000 Jewish children from Nazi Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and the Free City of Danzig. The children were placed in British foster homes, hostels, and farms. In gratitude to the people of Great Britain and in commemoration of the 1.6 million children murdered in the Holocaust, five memorial sculptures were erected along the...

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Klezmers are professional musicians who are part of an old tradition of musical ensembles of Ashkenazi Jews in Eastern Europe. The genre is characterized largely by dance tunes that are most commonly known for being the soundtracks of weddings and other celebrations, not only in the past, but in Jewish celebrations today as well.

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Meisler in Color

Meisler Modern

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A Mezuzah is the small but potent expression of Jewish identity and faith. In the old quarters of Spanish cities there are empty crevices in the doorposts that centuries ago served as mezuzot and now remain mute witnesses of great tragedies. To make a mezuzah is to become part of an unbroken chain of identity that draws strength from the past and gives meaning to the future.

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New Collections

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The professions and hobbies we practice shape our lives and alter us. This is emphasized in the group of figures who pose, perspire, lecture us, swing bats and golf clubs. They humorously draw us into their activities, make us swing their heads and open hidden doors to expose their hidden secrets and surprises.

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Special Sculptures

Large sculptures have been commissioned by governments, municipalities, organizations and private enterprises. These statues were erected all around the world, in the USA, Germany, England, Poland, Holland, France, Russia, Ukraine and more. The types of commissions included sculptures for monuments, hotel lobbies, synagogue interiors, and large special commissions for private homes.


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Our Universal Figures embrace images of painters, artists and great thinkers we admire. In each we look to express what motivates the figure to be what it is.